January 26, 2015

Buhari unscathed persona

SIR: No one, no matter how highly placed or financially endowed can change the course of history, or stop the idea whose time has come. Just like the following men have shaped
9 years ago

Gemade’s maturity in politics

SIR: I write to appreciate Senator Barnabas Andyar Gemade for demonstrating maturity in politics by leaving the PDP’s Senatorial ticket of Benue North East for Governor Suswam, and defecting to APC to
9 years ago

The youth and 2015 general elections

AS Nigeria matches forward to the 2015 general elections, it is imperative that the youths grasp and understand the political intrigues, permutations and facts about the country for future benefit. The youths
9 years ago

How PDP can rebase presidential campaign

THE 2015 Nigerian presidential election campaign seems to be degenerating into a slanging match. Campaign speeches are long on the personal attack but palpably limited on economic plans and an explicit agenda
9 years ago
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