Koshoedo urges PDP Members to celebrate Eid with hope of new PDP

The deputy national secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP) Hon. (Arc.) Setonji Koshoedo, has felicitated Muslim members of the party for the successful completion of the Ramadan fast.

The deputy national secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP) Hon. (Arc.) Setonji Koshoedo

Koshoedo noted in a statement on Friday that it is not mere happenstance that Lent and Ramadan coincided this year and urged members of the party to put the country in their prayers.

He called on party faithful to draw inspiration from these events to work for the rebirth of the Peoples Democratic Party after the 2023 general elections.

“As we celebrate this significant Eid-el-Fitri, we must remember how broken we have been in PDP, just as in fasting, let us guide our thoughts and prayers towards how we can all resurrect or rejuvenate our dear party, PDP, in Lagos and Nigeria as a whole,” Koshoedo said.

According to him, it is important for members to put all distractions and defections behind them and to focus on reforming the party so as to bring it back to life.

He urged all PDP members across the nation to be calm as the reforms that will lead to their dream party that will meet the yearnings of the people, and provide succour to Lagosians and Nigerians at large is already in the making.

