NEPC aligns operations with FG’s medium-term devernment plan


In line with the Federal Government’s Medium-Term Development Plan, the Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC) has re-adjusted its operational activities to meet the needs of the exporting community.

This is sequel to the non-oil export result of $4.820 billion recorded for the year 2022 representing an increase of 39.91% over what was recorded in 2021. The Executive Director of NEPC, Dr. Ezra Yakusak disclosed this at the council’s 2023 work plan review and validation session held yesterday, in Abuja.

Ezra noted that the session was targeted at aligning the Council’s operational activities with that of the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment (FMITI).

According to him, “In line with the FMITI Ministerial Mandate (2020-2023) and the Medium-Term Development Plan (2020- 2025), two important reference materials that have over the past few years guided the implementation of the Council projects and activities and of which we are expected to align to, to support the diversification agenda of the Federal Government the need to reposition our operational activities is desirable.”

He pointed out that before now, departments and outstation offices implemented projects at will without recourse to the work plan and allocation of resources, noting that the practice has not only made tracking of projects difficult and unaccountable but has grossly affected the impact assessment of such projects which do not align with set project implementation frameworks.

The NEPC chief executive also disclosed that the few structural changes in the Council’s departmental nomenclature and organogram as approved by the board are in tune with global best practices, classifications and in compliance with some recommendations of the ITC benchmarking programme for the council.


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